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The following is a list of terms and their definitions used in the context of this project. The goal is to provide a clear understanding of the terms used in the project and get everyone on the same page. Most terms are associated with SOLID (Social Linked Data).


Access Control ListACLA list of permissions attached to an object that specifies which users or system processes can access that object and what operations they can perform.
ActorAn entity (usually a person, group, or application) that can perform actions on resources.
ActionTerm to describe the capabilities of what a user can do with a cerain file
Access Control PolicyACPA policy-based access control mechanism that allows more fine-grained and flexible access control compared to WAC.
AppendThe permission to add new data to a resource.


ConstraintA limitation or restriction placed on a rule or action.
ContainerA type of resource in Solid that can hold other resources, similar to a directory in a file system.
ContextThe environment or setting in which a resource or action exists or occurs.
ControlThe permission to manage access to a resource, including setting permissions for other users.


Data PodPersonal online datastore where users store their data in a Solid ecosystem. Each pod is controlled by the individual it belongs to and is hosted by a certain provider.


Friend of a FriendFOAFA machine-readable ontology describing persons, their activities, and their relations to other people and objects.


Identity ProviderA service that manages the identity information and authentication of users in a Solid ecosystem.
Index PageA resource in a Solid pod that provides an entry point for navigating other resources within the pod.
Internationalized Resource IdentifierIRISimilar to a URI, but it allows a wider range of characters, including those from non-Latin scripts, making it more globally accessible. *(`https://例子.测试/资源
InteroperabilityThe ability of different systems and organizations to work together (inter-operate) by using standardized data formats and protocols.


Linked Data PlatformLDPA set of W3C standards for building interoperable web applications using Linked Data principles.
Linked DataA method of publishing structured data so that it can be interlinked and become more useful through semantic queries.


MatcherA component or process that selects resources or data based on specified criteria. This is part of the ACP.


ObjectIn RDF, the object is the third part of a triple that describes the value or entity related to the subject via the predicate. (For Example: In the triple <John, hasFriend, Jane>, "Jane" is the object.)
OntologyA formal representation of a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts
OriginThe source domain or URL from which a request is made.
OwnerThe individual or entity that has control over a resource or Solid pod.


PermissionThe authorization given to a user or application to access and manipulate resources within a Solid pod.
PolicyA set of rules or permissions that govern access to resources.
Policy Type/User TypeCategories or roles that determine the policies applicable to different users or groups.
ProfileA resource that describes a Solid user, typically containing information about the user and links to other resources.
PropertiesCharacteristics or attributes of a resource.
ProhibitionA restriction or denial of certain actions on a resource.


Resource Description FrameworkRDFA standard model for data interchange on the web, which Solid uses to structure and link data.
ReadThe permission to view a resource.
ResourceAny item (file, document, data) stored in a Solid pod, which can be accessed or manipulated through Solid protocols.
RuleA statement that defines conditions and constraints for actions and permissions.


Social Linked DataSOLIDA web decentralization project, aiming to give users control over their personal data by storing it in decentralized pods.
Solid AppAn application designed to interact with Solid pods and utilize Solid protocols for data access and management.
Solid ClientAn application or user agent that interacts with a Solid server to read and write data.
Solid OpenId ConnectSolid OIDCAn authentication layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, used for secure, federated login in the Solid ecosystem.
Solid ProtocolA set of conventions for building decentralized web applications that interact with Solid pods.
Solid ServerA server that hosts Solid pods and provides interfaces for accessing and managing the data within them.
Standard Protocol and RDF Query LanguageSPARQLA query language for databases, able to retrieve and manipulate data stored in RDF format.
StorageThe location or space where data is kept in a Solid pod.


TargetThe resource or entity on which an action is performed.
Triple:The atomic data entity in RDF, consisting of a subject, predicate, and object (<John, hasFriend, Jane>). It's used to make statements about resources.
Terse RDF Triple LanguageTurtleA syntax for writing RDF data in a compact and readable format.


Uniform Resource IdentifierURIA string of characters that unambiguously identifies a particular resource. (


VocabularyA set of terms used to describe concepts and relationships within a specific domain, important for creating interoperable linked data.


Web Access ControlWACA method for defining access control rules for resources on the web, used within Solid for managing permissions.
WebIDA unique identifier that denotes a person's identity in the Solid ecosystem, usually a URL that points to a profile document.
WebID-TLSAn authentication protocol using client-side TLS (Transport Layer Security) certificates to authenticate users based on their WebID.
WriteThe permission to modify or add to a resource.